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Mundane things

Mood:  incredulous
Sorry that I havn't posted for a while. I've been busy, with ACT practice, building my model bridge, um... Practicing, and um... Not much else, therefore I have not had time to update.
Yes, good reasons.
Shut up, THEY ARE!
Anyway, um, we went to Christ Episcopal church today, it was pretty good and um... You can't spell Espicopal without "Pal!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Okay, that makes absolutely no sense at all.
But it was good. Elspee and Margee's friend Landen was playing trumpet, so they saw him there...
And it was good.
And I ate some candy today. It was SWEET!
No, I'm serious!
It was.
Now, this is it, the end, I'm going now...
Have to fill up eggs for our indoor easter egg hunt. It's too cold and marshy outside.
Hum, bye! -k

Posted by ME at 1:08 PM CST
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04/28/2005 - 11:28 AM CDT

Name: CalBear

Hi Katherine -

I glanced through the most recent issue of the Astonisher last night and saw your plea for comments. I regularly (pretty much daily) come to the site to see what you have to say. Occasionally I'll have something to say back. I thought maybe a suggestion might be helpful. I enjoy reading what is going on with you and the family. You may want to consider going further than that, however. Your family (and you in particular) are gifted with intelligence, thoughtfulness and wit. Think about digesting some of the things that are happening in the national or world news and offering your thoughts, either serious or tongue-in-cheek. This might be a way to generate more comments.

Looking forward to more from you,


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