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Mundane things

\m/(0_o)\m/ = Crazy guy doing the rock on deal.
Looks like me... In a whole bunch of picures. :-P

Yeah. Green day is really good. The anti-stuff lyrics are the only thing. But they are still good.

So is FALL OUT BOY! YEA! And... Weezer, and BECK, and Metallica, and um... Beastie boys... and a bunches of other bands.


Aquabats rule. Especially Captian Hampton and the Midget Pirates. Teehee... I love that album.


Posted by ME at 8:15 PM CDT
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06/13/2005 - 2:37 PM CDT

Name: CalBear

Thanks for the explanation of the symbol. I could have looked at it for hours and not figured it out. But I'm pretty good at license plates (like "XLR8R")!

My faves right now are Bowling for Soup and Simple Plan. The problem is I really like the sound of a lot of the alternative bands, but I have a really hard time abiding the lyrics. Sometimes I'll hear a snippet of a song and really enjoy it, then later hear the whole thing and find there is something incredibly objectionable about what they're saying. And, in order to hear that music in KC, one has to subject oneself to moronic DJs who are politically left of PETA and their ilk. Not sure it's worth it.

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