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Mundane things
Mood:  quizzical
Well, I typed in a whole entry, and then, it didn't post! AARG! So, now I have to re write all that I wrote...

Well, I think I said that I am writing again for my loyal fan. I don't know if anyone else has even seen this website. I think I should have a tumbleweed gif rolling across that screen. (Hmmmm... Maybe I could do that.) Yeah, and you could watch that, and my counter going backwards.

So, Our Thanksgiving guests left this morning. They live on a farm, and get up at three in the morning. I kept thinking while I slept in 'till 10 AM, that they would have been up for 7 hours! Yeesh!

Also, last night, E's BOYFRIEND Came over.

He is allergic to cats, but enjoys rubbing his face in them. That's okay though. I like doing that too, except I don't get all itchy and start sneezeing...

Okay, this had been Katherine on the keyboard... Join us next time.... -k

P.S. I just did my good deed for the day by saving a helpless set of sheets from our merciless old washer. I feel good. But my hands are soapy.

Posted by ME at 11:27 AM CST
Updated: 11/27/2004 2:31 PM CST

11/29/2004 - 2:16 PM CST

Name: jackie kregas

I must agree that I do like getting the newsletter by mail also and George and I read it over dinner to catch up on all the news of the week. George NEVER gets on line so he will never get the news from MO - so sad. Let's support the postal service and will send more stamps if necessary. J

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