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Mundane things
MLK day! YAY!
Hi hi hi!!! It's my favorite holiday of the year! MLK day! Okay, I'm lying. But it is great because I didn't have to do any school... AND yesterday, while I was at Goodwill, Pop fixed my graphing calculator that I got at a garage sale! *YAY* So, other than that... MLK day...
My lappy should get here tomorrow, but it might take another day, because it's MLK day... Did I tell you that I hate MLK day? MLK... Add one letter and you have MiLK! =) Ye haw!
So, we got Second Hand Lions from the library! I thought it's pretty good, and we are going to watch it again today with E's boyfriend.
Calbear... I wish I could have seen the KC orchestra, (I'm drooling.) And it wasn't't an SMS "band" it was an orchestra. Come to think of it, it still is an orchestra! GO BEARS! I was going to tell you about the time that our director threw his baton into the percussion "by accident." It was pretty cool, when we was quite animatedly directing the orchestra, and the baton caught on his stand and flicked out of his hand. It was one of those slow motion moments, I'll never forget it. And it scared them straight, for a while at least.
Anyway... Al is giving Huck a cello lesson. It's funny. I think if I remember right, Huck plays Mellow or some other horn... Mellow (marching band frog horn, not to be confused with a fog horn... Although...), cello, yellow...
AAAAnnnyway... I guess I don't have anything else to say... Not doin' much lately... Hopefully lappy'll come tomorrow!
Chill oot, my home monies/dawgs... Whatever...
Otherwise known as... -k

Posted by ME at 1:22 PM CST
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