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Mundane things
Lappy ccome home!
Mood:  happy
Hi, what's going on??
Um, I am waiting impatiently for the UPS man to deliver my lappy. It's a seriously terrible thing to be waiting for the UPS man. I just hate it...
Okay, It's pretty fun...
Geez, I'm an oximoron over here.
Um, I am going to need to get a modem for it. They go for about $10 on ebay. Man, I *heart* ebay.
Anyway, anyway... Moving on.
I learned how to mane compuonds. It's cool! So, if you have an ionic molecule with two atoms, you take the name of the first one and then replace the ending of the second one with "Ide." Por example, "KF" would be Potassium Chlor*ide*. Spiffing really. Covalent is to hard to explain in the time that I have left to type. Or have left to not be totally bored of typing it all...
You will just have to wonder... Or google it, if you care a lick.
Anydang way. I'm trying to learn how to touch type, without looking at the keyboard at all. It's hard, and my favourite key is the backspace. Tee hee... But it's going okay, I still look at the keyboard if I'm spelling something like backspace or something...
Okay, I gots to go, I'm getting bored!!! Peace out yawl!

Posted by ME at 9:03 PM CST
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01/19/2005 - 4:04 PM CST

Name: CalBear

I hope you weren't still waiting for the UPS man at 9:03PM. I'm guessing the next day is a better bet. Please tell us more about mane-ing compuonds. I learned to touch-type in high school (except for the numbers row). But I still cheat and look. It's like touching the sore tooth in your mouth with your know you shouldn't, but you just can't help it.

01/19/2005 - 4:09 PM CST

Name: CalBear

Hey!!! I just posted a comment then refreshed the original screen because I like to see the number of comments change from zero to one (or whatever the next number would be). Then I looked at the banner ads at the top of the page. They were for California Golden Bears products (team shirts and the like). How did you do that?? How do "they" know? Very cool.

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