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Mundane things
Hi again, not from lappy!
Mood:  cool
HI, everyone again, it's me. CalBear, you support the CalBears? I didn't know that. I just assumed that your name was some sort of crazy thing from your imagination, it all makes since now!
Okay, well, My typing was okay, I didn't mean to put mane, and thanks a lot (sarcastic) for pointing it out... Hey, why did they invent spelling checkers if everyone spelled right? And now, you are thinking, why didn't you, in your vast knowledge, use the spelling checker, (duh.)
Short answer... I did. I mush have accidentally missed it. Shut up... *cries*
Anyway... I am still enjoying lappy almost every minute of the day! Except now. It's asleep in my room. I don't have a good battery so every time I want to move it, I have to shut it down, and then move it AND THEN plug it back in, and turn it on... Way to much work, so I left it in my room...
Other than that... Nothing. I did scheul today. And I took yet another Chemistry test for module #3. I started the book past the beginning of the year, don't cha know, or I would have had more of it done. I like it a lot though. I'm really excited that I get to to physics when I finish this book!
Okay, well, post post post! SERIOUSLY!
Later, yalls! -k

Posted by ME at 2:45 PM CST
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