Hello, loyal goastonisher blog readers.
You are all cool, all two of you.
Let me see... Not doin' much, it's Sunday, and Mum is going to work at two o'clock. I am just sittin' here typing away. I'm getting better at typing on this thing. Seriously, Calbear.... You'll see... I can type with the best of them...
Well, I just finished the newspaper, and someone upstairs is going over it. I honestly haven't been anywhere to update the Astonisher main site. I'm really sorry about that. So muck for my new years resolution... That didn't even start, never-the-less go for a while before stopping. Sorry, sorry... I will get to it eventually!
Other than that... Nothing, I'm just going to put this on my flash drive, and get it out of here. Boooooooring.... So bored. I think I'll play chess... On the lappy!
Posted by ME
at 7:54 PM CST