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Mundane things
Hi, all of yous
Mood:  chatty
Hi, I got to change my earings today, but since everyone, (Mum and Allison) just got back, they were all sleeping! :)
But Now a while new relm of earing jewlrey is open to me. It's fantastic. :-)
Anyway... How are all you doing?
No one wrote on that last post... I know it wasn't very interesting... But still...
I'm having fun with my laptop. No mosem still, but I loaded a copy of frontpage on it so that's pretty fun... Okay, Ill talk to you later... -k

Posted by ME at 3:54 PM CST
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02/10/2005 - 2:08 PM CST

Name: Me

Oh, I so enjoy your posts, they are so insightul, and full of humor. It reminds me of the time when your posts got a mirriad of comments, from all of the two then loyal readers...
So, keep up the good work, I will always love you!
From: you, oh wait... me... Um, your evil twin, who lives in your room!

02/10/2005 - 2:08 PM CST

Name: Me

Oh, I so enjoy your posts, they are so insightul, and full of humor. It reminds me of the time when your posts got a mirriad of comments, from all of the two then loyal readers...
So, keep up the good work, I will always love you!
From: you, oh wait... me... Um, your evil twin, who lives in your room!

02/10/2005 - 4:39 PM CST

Name: CalBear

Pretty slick, there, me. Doubling up on the comments to your post so it will look like more. Your readers are far to sophisticated to fall for that. Here's a real second comment...

Not only have you opened a whole new realm of jewelry to yourself but, even better, a whole new realm of gift-giving for those around you. You've just made Christmas and birthdays much easier, and for that you should be thanked profusely.

BTW...forget the modem. Have Daddy Warbucks spring for a cable modem, ethernet card and router. Tell him CalBear said to get into the 20th, er 21st century.

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