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Mundane things
Mood:  irritated
Man, I have been having trouble posting my stuss today. I tried to post an entry while we were at the library.
Um, yeah, forgot what I was going to day... Let us see if this works!

Posted by ME at 5:32 PM CST
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Mood:  quizzical
Well, I typed in a whole entry, and then, it didn't post! AARG! So, now I have to re write all that I wrote...

Well, I think I said that I am writing again for my loyal fan. I don't know if anyone else has even seen this website. I think I should have a tumbleweed gif rolling across that screen. (Hmmmm... Maybe I could do that.) Yeah, and you could watch that, and my counter going backwards.

So, Our Thanksgiving guests left this morning. They live on a farm, and get up at three in the morning. I kept thinking while I slept in 'till 10 AM, that they would have been up for 7 hours! Yeesh!

Also, last night, E's BOYFRIEND Came over.

He is allergic to cats, but enjoys rubbing his face in them. That's okay though. I like doing that too, except I don't get all itchy and start sneezeing...

Okay, this had been Katherine on the keyboard... Join us next time.... -k

P.S. I just did my good deed for the day by saving a helpless set of sheets from our merciless old washer. I feel good. But my hands are soapy.

Posted by ME at 11:27 AM CST
Updated: 11/27/2004 2:31 PM CST
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Enter Sandman, Metallica
Hi, we had a great thanksgiving here! We feasted on Turkey, Chicken (I am kind of allergic to Turkey, gives me a headache, which is not a great thing when you have eaten too much cheesecake too,) Jalapeno cranberry sauce, Stuffing, Pumpkin pie (a la mua) and much other sumptuous type stuff.
So, you can put your comments about your thanksgiving up if you want.
Hope you didn't eat too much 3.141592! -k

Posted by ME at 11:21 AM CST
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Stalk of Wheat, TMBG
YAY someone posted me! You all could learn a lesson from her!
Just click on the Post your comment button, and you can be wonderful too!

Posted by ME at 10:20 AM CST
Updated: 11/25/2004 10:25 AM CST
Mood:  d'oh
Sniff, there's nobody to help me edit all of these pages! I have to do it all by myself.
I have to go into all of the html's and fix ALL of the about a hundred links........ I think I'll do some more of it at home. I wish it was easier to edit the html with this, but I guess I'll have to go it with some other editor that is easier to see all of the different links. I think I might re-upload them from home.
Okay, I'll stop whining, stiff upper lip and all that rot. Allison and mom probably want to go home and I got to get some books................k

ps, actually, I somehow got the first page published to the right place... so for me!

Posted by ME at 1:25 PM CST

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