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Mundane things
Mood:  chillin'
Sooooo... Current issues? Hmmm.... Hmmm...
Okay... I'm not going to bash anyone. Here at the Astonisher Offices, we believe in staying so impartial-ish that people can't tell the difference between us and Switzerland. Like, people actually mistake us for the country all the time. They will come to the door and be like, "Can Switzerland come out to play?" And we will be like, "I think you have us mistaken for some other country, this is Astonisher country."
Anyways... Okay, Let's see... What's in the news today?
Oooh, day before yesterday the Airbus had it's first flight...Here's some stuff about it " Moments after emerging from the cockpit of the A380 after its successful first flight, chief test pilot Jacques Rosay said flying the world’s biggest passenger jet had been “like handling a bicycle.” "
I think this is pretty cool... Although it could have a downside... What is one of those suckers crashed?
Oops... My internet is dead... be right back...

Hello, I know you were all worried for that carriage return. On the edge of your seats... Biting your fingernails.
Back to what I was saying... If they crashed, which might not happen ever... But if it did... That's 500 passengers compared to like... 50? 100?
I don't know. I'm just hypothasizing...
Anyway... There... Your first taste of my witty news report.
Keep the comments comin' though, I have fragile confidence... -k

Posted by ME at 9:04 AM CDT
Updated: 04/29/2005 9:35 AM CDT
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Mood:  incredulous
Sorry that I havn't posted for a while. I've been busy, with ACT practice, building my model bridge, um... Practicing, and um... Not much else, therefore I have not had time to update.
Yes, good reasons.
Shut up, THEY ARE!
Anyway, um, we went to Christ Episcopal church today, it was pretty good and um... You can't spell Espicopal without "Pal!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Okay, that makes absolutely no sense at all.
But it was good. Elspee and Margee's friend Landen was playing trumpet, so they saw him there...
And it was good.
And I ate some candy today. It was SWEET!
No, I'm serious!
It was.
Now, this is it, the end, I'm going now...
Have to fill up eggs for our indoor easter egg hunt. It's too cold and marshy outside.
Hum, bye! -k

Posted by ME at 1:08 PM CST
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Mood:  energetic
hey everyone! What is up? I am just sitting here typing up something to entertain the masses or... Onesses... Calbearsisss... Hhhh...
I put the URL in the Astonisher... I thought I would get more action... I'll put a plea in next week for more comments.
Other than that, it's Margee's butfday tomorrow, an dwe threw her a party tonight, with CJ and Huck, and... That's all. It was a great party though, I made balloon hats for everyone, and it was great...
I made a pope one, and a doggie one, and a fangley fish one, and...
It was really fun, I need a clown nose. For when I make em... It would be cool. Anyone want to buy me one?
For Christmas? For Easter? For Kawanza?
Anyway... Um... I am going to go now, like the samuri, or however you spell it, because you eon't even hear me go...

Posted by ME at 8:57 PM CST
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hey ya
Mood:  hungry
Hey everyone! Yes, lappy means that I'll update more. I like doing this... it's fun.
I did school today, a lot of chemistry, which I love. It's just so interesting, and pretty easy honestly. And I'm reading once again about the Americal revolution which is pretty interesting too. Although I have already read most of it. Or all of it... I think I'll call it review.
Other than that, we are having corned beef for dinner. which is good. I like corned beef.
That is why I am in a hungry mood. I can smell the beef.
Smell the beef... Eat the beef. It's the ninja way.
And, um, I don't knoe what else, I want more comments though, it's not as fun when you give then to yourself.
So that's all, I hope you all had a good day today, and will contunue to have a good day until tomorrow.
He he... -k

Posted by ME at 4:52 PM CST
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Mood:  happy
Hey, I am typing on lappy, , plugged into the phoneline... This is great, I really like updating on here, i have gottne used to the keyboard on this thing, and I can type pretty acurately and fast now.
Which is a good thing.
I think.
no, it is...
So later!

Posted by ME at 12:38 PM CST
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