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Mundane things
Hello, and merry Christmas, one and everyone! I got a haul! I received a jump drive, that actually won't fit in the computer we have now, but I intend to keep (It's what I asked for for Christmas, and I really want to use it), a polar fleece sweatshirt, (thank you Margaret! :), a 750 minute phone card (Yesssss!), chocolate, slippers, much cool Abercrombie lacrosse shirt (thank you Aunt Ann, if you read my blog) that I'm wearing now, among other things. But one of the coolest things was a lavalamp nightlight that I'm very excited about! It will go with my Uber-cool room d?cor perfectly, seeing as I have two other lava lamps, three Chinese lanterns with multi-colored bulbs in them, a HUGE fish bubblier light thing, that I got at a garage sale for $3 (it's about 4' tall!) Along with the rope lights I have squiggled up my wall and the Christmas lights I have around my mirror. Yeah, I'm really into interesting light fixtures. I really need a disco ball. Seriously.
Geraldine is here. We had a good time last night playing twister and yatzee.
Allison told everyone yesterday that I was the one that made her get up on Christmas morning and get everyone up. This morning while I was still asleep at 7:30, exactly, Allison started knocking on the floor with her knuckles. She did it for a full minute. She was like some demented alarm clock. Then after about three more minutes, she got up and started pacing around her room like some sort of caged animal. It was crazy. So, I was like. Fine I'll get up, when she opened my bedroom door. I was like Ahhhhhhhh!
But after a while she got everyone up and we went and un-stockinged our stockings, or as Geraldine likes to call them "Our socks," and opened all of out presents!
Thanks everyone! BTW, I'll be sending thank you's to people after `bout a week. Or on Monday, whichever comes first.
Yay, Katherine the first of her kind.

Posted by ME at 1:16 PM CST
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Oh sure
Mood:  d'oh
O sure, Your Thithter, THE(wo), if that is your real name/email address... Buy a laptop before me! SURE! Fine, see if I care. Yeah, whatever! I don't give a care! Anything you want to do!

(Subliminal message=Buy a laptop for me for my birthday, it will be good, you'll see.... Sucker.)

AKA, Mrs. Muck

Posted by ME at 1:10 PM CST
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Mood:  hug me
Hi everyone! You can read the posts and the whole Muck thing will make sense, I'm still going to sign, Mrs. Muck though. It has a certain ring to it! YAY!
I just got $45 today! A good start to my money earning, to buy computer! I got $25 for playing at the nursing some, and $20 from my aunt! HUZZAH! Then, I think we're getting money for Christmas too, so I'll have more then. If you don't know what to get me for my birthday, money would be good! J And I'm going to get a summer job this coming summer so I'll hopefully have enough money by this time next year! I'm going to buy a laptop anyway, because I know that I'll want one in my college career.
The link isn't workin' on the Goastonisher page, I need to fix that. I'm going to re-upload some pages after Christmas, but I think I need to fix that soon. I'm typing this in MW so I'm no on the internet, and therefore I can't do anything about it now.
Oh, Christmas is in TWO DAYS! YAY! I'm super excited! I helped "Santa" pick out this awesome shirt. I'll post a picture of it after Xmas if I remember. It's really bright, and silk.
I have been reading a bunch of the Xanth novels, they are really good! I just finished "Golum in the Gears," and it was very entertaining. I would highly recommend them, for people who like fantasy. There are about a million of them.
I'm listening to Strawberry Alarm Clock, Incense and Peppermints. I thought that it was fitting because you eat peppermints at Christmas right? I don't have any Christmas music in my Windows Media Player "libary."
Ight, lata! K. Muck/ K. money/ K-Dog/ "The Awesome."

Posted by ME at 3:46 PM CST
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Ahhhhh, Mrs. Muck!

Posted by ME at 7:40 PM CST
Ack... I've been spammed!

Posted by ME at 7:32 PM CST

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